Where Your Money is Spent?

Our Team is continuously working hard to achieve our targets. Your donations will go a long way. There is no small amount when it comes to helping people. Feel free to contact us to know more about our missions. 

Here is the glimpse of what we have been up to:

1. Mobile Health Unit For Rural Areas.

2.  Langar Khana (Free meals for poor)

3. Monthly grocery supplied to widows and poor. 

Progress Welfare Organization

Please donate for the needy. There are various programs that needs your attention and we are continuously working hard to arrange the money needed to keep running these social projects. Please check the Projects Page Section for details. Thank You So Much for your Donation.

Payment Details

Donate To The Cause

Your Donation Matters a lot to us. Please find the online bank transfer details below:
Account title 
Progress welfare organization
Account #